However I can understand why some players might not like it.

When I played TW:WH2 I found the new Vortex Campaign to be a great addition to the game. Isabella Von Carstein sets sail for the west Let take a look at why this is a great idea. This allows players to play factions form both games in a massive sandbox. Mortal Empires is a free DLC for owners of both Total War: Warhammer games to combines portions of the Maps from both into one massive map and game. Only four factions? Just the far West? What about all the stuff and armies from the prior game? The answer to all these questions soon came in the unveiling of Mortal Empires. When Total War: Warhammer II was first announced it caused more than one gamer to scratch their heads in confusion. Mortal Empires is the fun, but slightly flawed expansion we’ve all dreamed about.