Sure it's nice for screenshots but in functionality it's kinda contraproductive and like I said we already have a keybind for hiding everything.

I don't see why the UI is an issue in gw2 as having more informations shown (sometimes with the help of mods like ARCDPS for example) on the screen is crucial for peak performance in almost all mmos. What bothers me more is that living story season 2 will still be displayed even after dismissing in the story panel after a map change.This HUD feature now reminds me a bit of the options that are in ESO allthough I think showing a bit more information like buffs/debuffs is good in ESO so I disabled the default hidden HUD there. In my opinion this feature wasn't needed since we already have CTRL (or STRG)+Alt+H to hide the UI. In particular if we can hide the story, achievements or festival notifications to leave that area clear for events it will be a vast improvement. But hopefully this will give us more control over all the text down the right side, as I know that's been a common complaint for a lot of players. If things I want to hide are grouped with things I always want on screen than that option is useless, I'd rather stick with the default than hide something I want to see just to hide something else. The main question for me is what's grouped together. It sounds interesting, but I'll reserve judgement until tomorrow when I can see how it actually works in-game. Components of the UI have been grouped into related sections.Several presets are available for players to choose from, or players can individually control the behavior of each section. The UI can also be set to always be hidden.A new section within the General Options tab of the Options panel has been added to control Dynamic HUD.

In case anyone else hasn't seen it yet: HUD has been added to the game!Dynamic HUD gives players the ability to show or hide parts of the UI while in or out of combat.