This season, she’s off to a feisty start, challenging the opinions of her brother (well technically, cousin) Jon Snow, who was recently crowned King in the North, and driving back the advances of her once-savior Littlefinger. We saw her get some of her just deserts in the season 6 finale, when she sicced Ramsay Bolton’s ravenous dogs on him. Meanwhile, Arya’s older sister, Sansa Stark, is on her own quest for payback.

They laugh this off, but we know what Arya’s capable of. (They still include The Mountain, The Red Woman, Cersei Lannister, two of the Brothers Without Banners currently traveling with the Hound, and Ilyn Payne, the royal executioner who killed Arya’s dad.) Arya’s last scene in season 7, episode 1 has her telling a bunch of Lannister soldiers that she’s off to kill Queen Cersei. Now, we can count nearly all her living enemies on one hand. For a while, that list just kept getting longer and longer. In a culmination of all her hard-won skills, Arya finally gets to cross names off her revenge list. There, she learned how to assume other people’s faces. Then she spent two entire seasons in Braavos, attending a sketchy study abroad program at the House of Black and White, as a corpse washer / assassin-trainee. Her objective for much of season 2 and 3 was to reunite with her mother and brother, who had rallied a Stark army in the North, and she made it as far as the town they were visiting, just in time for their deaths. She was chivvied around by Sandor “The Hound” Clegane, as a unlikely travel companion. She was imprisoned by the Lannister army for a while. She wandered from one makeshift bed to another. After her sword-fighting teacher from season 1 likely perished (or… maybe not?) and her father, Ned Stark, was beheaded, Arya went to a dark, vulnerable place. It’s been a long, frustrating journey to get here, but the payoff has finally come, as Arya seamlessly went from slitting Walder Frey’s throat to impersonating him to kill his followers.įrom the start, Arya’s character development has largely been about honing her skills as a killer in the face of personal family tragedies. Rather, that’s Arya, using the magic-assassin skills she’s developed over the past few seasons to punish the Freys. For a moment after the HBO logo flashed, the first scene was confusing: “Didn’t Walder Frey get his throat cut in season 6? Is this a weird flashback to the moment before his death?” Arya as Walder Frey holds a suspicious second feast in the same night. The opening scene was equal parts shocking and satisfying. Game of Thrones’ season 7 premiere has finally aired, and it picks up right where we left off, with a scene many fans have been hoping for: Arya exacting revenge for the murder of her mother, brother, and sister-in-law at the Red Wedding. Spoilers a head for Game of Thrones s eason 7, e pisode 1